Kurunjang rezoning bid for housing

Plans for a 75-lot housing development in Kurunjang are a step
closer, with Melton council deciding to seek approval to rezone the

Developer Peyton Waite sought to have 5.2 hectares on Outlook Ride and Gunnawarra Road rezoned from low-density residential zone to residential 1 to allow the development to take place.

At last week’s council meeting, Cr Broden Borg said he would not
support such a plan until there was more than one way in and out of

But after much debate, the application was approved by a vote of 5-1.

Authorisation will now be sought from Planning Minister Matthew Guy to rezone the land and allow for public consultation.

Several residents who live near the site voiced their opposition at last week’s meeting.

Their concerns included an increase in traffic and congestion problems, especially in peak hours.

Cr Borg said the lack of access to Kurunjang could cause a range of problems.

“I can not in good faith or with good judgment support any future
developments in this area without there being another entry or exit,” he

“All it takes is some unforeseen circumstance to block off that
entry and exit that is there now, and then suddenly we have cars causing
a whole other range of concerns.”

A spokesman for Mr Guy could not be reached for comment.