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Tag: swimming

Families dive right in

Adam Dovile is not letting the cold weather stop him getting in a regular swim, and he’s bringing his daughters along for the fun. Ruby...

Youth award caps an inspiring journey for Poppe-Simone Sakr

When Poppe-Simone Sakr joined Special Olympics Victoria 18 months ago, she didn’t realise how much she could achieve in such a short amount of...

Melton twins are stars of state

Melton twins Jaime-Lee and Patrick Getson are set for stellar swimming careers. The 16-year-olds have represented Victoria at several national swimming competitions, hold number one...

Safety starts with a splash at Melton Waves

Andy loves splashing in the water. His swim instructors at Melton Waves Leisure Centre are teaching the four-year-old about entering the water safely and what...

Melton swimmer to represent Australia

Jaime-Lee Getson is aiming to represent Australia at the 2020 Paralympic Games in Japan. The 16-year-old was born premature at 25 weeks, and as a...


Dinosaur sleepovers at Melbourne Museum

Get batty, experience the Melbourne museum at night and prepare for all the laughs when the autumn holidays hit Museums Victoria from 5 April....

A colourful fun