Families dive right in

By Ewen McRae

Adam Dovile is not letting the cold weather stop him getting in a regular swim, and he’s bringing his daughters along for the fun.

Ruby and Arabella recently started swimming lessons at Kingswim Caroline Springs, and Mr Dovile said the winter cold didn’t hold them back from hitting the pool.

“As a family we typically spend a lot of time outside and time with the kids is largely outdoor activities like gardening and building, which can get pretty restricted in this weather,” Mr Dovile said.

“I’ve found the girls’ swimming lessons are the perfect chance to keep up our time together.

“Particularly at this young age, being able to get in the water and take part with them is a lot of fun.”

In addition to water safety and learning different strokes, Mr Dovile said he found swimming to be a great bonding activity for him and his daughters.

“I love seeing the girls [and myself] so engaged in something that’s not only a lot of fun, but also teaching them a valuable and potentially lifesaving skill,” he said.

“It’s a great way to keep fit and active during winter, get off devices and cure cabin fever.

“Plus, keeping up lessons during winter means we can relax and enjoy our family beach time come summer, knowing the girls are well practised and safe in the water.”

Kingswim area manager Anne Brown said they have seen a shift towards dads taking a more active role as the “swimming parent”.

“While taking part in lessons with kids is the perfect opportunity for bonding and quality time for both parents, we see dads in particular jump at the chance to have that crucial skin to skin contact with bub that mum may already be getting at home,” she said.