Wedge Park getting ready to ride

Jack, Shane on his bike , Gemma and Jayde on her scooter. Pic Marco De Luca

Wedge Park Primary pupils will find it easier to ride, skate or scoot their way to school next week thanks to a new initiative.

The school is encouraging children and their parents to leave the car at home and ride to school next Thursday with the launch of its Active Paths.

Active Paths are designated routes to school, identified in conjunction with the local council and the school community, that have been colourfully marked out on the footpath.

Teacher in charge Diane Kinder said she hoped that as many children as possible took part in the initiative.

“It’s aimed to get kids more active and living healthier lives,” Ms Kinder said.

“This would also help with traffic congestion at drop off and pick up times.

“Bicycle Victoria has marked out the footpaths for us and we’re encouraging as many kids as we can to walk, ride their bike or scooter to school as a daily thing.”


Esther Lauaki