Son’s action a lifesaver

Jillian Jupp wants greater Stroke awareness. Pic Marco De Luca

By Ewen McRae

Jill Jupp was preparing for her son’s birthday last year when she began to feel strange.

The Kurunjang woman was putting the decorations on the 25th birthday cake, but kept dropping the chocolate letters. It wasn’t until her son came into the kitchen that alarm bells started to ring.

“I thought I was having a migraine, just a dreadful headache,” Ms Jupp said.

“I had no idea that I was having a large stroke.

“My son knew something was terribly wrong as I was talking total nonsense, apparently telling him how the previous day was totally dark and the sun did not rise at all.

“I did not have the classic signs, such as slurred speech, or facial drooping, but he just had an idea that it may have been a stroke, so he went to get our neighbour, who has had experience with strokes, and she knew immediately what was happening.”

Her son, Andrew, immediately called an ambulance, with paramedics arriving within minutes. It was a case of good fortune, as Ms Jupp soon discovered she had suffered a heart attack at the same time.

Through a long recovery, Ms Jupp said she was thankful for her son’s quick thinking.

“If it wasn’t for him just knowing something was wrong, I may not be here today,“ she said

“I thank him from the bottom of my heart for his quick thinking and his amazing care of me during my recovery.

“Some days are good, while others I just need to cry and scream as everything seems so overwhelming.

“It was a wake-up call and I have totally changed my lifestyle, eating only healthy foods, and being active when I can.”

While Ms Jupp said she has lost 40kg since the stroke, she said her memory had suffered and she has been unable to work.

She said it was important for everyone in the community to understand the signs of stroke, because it could save a life.

“Not enough people know the signs of a stroke,” she said.

“There are some much more subtle signs of stroke, so even if you just have a feeling that something is going on that may be a stroke, to call for help immediately.”