All fur a good cause

Melton South has a Paws in the Park day next weekend. Left to right Carole Doyle with Dusty, Joseph Catania with Maggie and Abbey with Buddy in foreground PIc Marco De Luca

By Ewen McRae

Furry friends will take over Strathtulloh this weekend, with the Paws in the Park event descending on the Bridge Road Children’s and Community Centre.

The free family day will give pooches the chance to meet, mix and mingle.

Special dog activities will include an agility obstacle course, dog food truck, two kilometre dog walk (entry by gold coin donation), dog fashion parade, dog groomer, and vet consultations.

The day is a joint effort from Melton council and LendLease, with the gold coin donations going towards the work of the Young Diggers, who train canine companions and assistance dogs for ex-defence force members dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Carole Doyle from the Young Diggers said it was great to have such strong support from the community.

“We don’t get any government support, so everything we do from rescue dogs, to vet check-ups, training, it all comes from donations, so these events are really important to us.”

The event will be held at the rear of the community centre, from 1-3pm on September 15.