Snakes out and about in Melton and Moorabool

Melton and Moorabool residents are being reminded that snake season has well and truly started.

Tiger and brown snakes – two of the most venomous snakes – have been spotted in Caroline Springs, Melton and Eynesbury recently.

Snake catcher Stewart Gatt said despite cooler weather compared to this time last year, snakes have been out since September.

“The heat has started a little bit later, but this is perfect snake weather,” he said.

“Snakes don’t like it too hot, so anything around 20 degrees, the snakes are going to be out and active.”

Mr Gatt said most residential properties where snakes are spotted back onto wetlands or paddocks.

People are being urged to clean up around their properties, keep their lawns mown, and yards tidy.

But, that’s not necessarily a foolproof method of keeping snakes away, Mr Gatt said.

“Snakes will need to get from A to B to get a feed. Now if point A is a paddock and point B is three houses down from the paddock, the snake will go through all the houses. It doesn’t always mean that because you’ve got a clean yard, snakes aren’t going to come. The difference is going to be that they’re not going to have any cover to hide under … it makes it easier for you to spot a snake.”

Melton Veterinary Clinic senior veterinary nurse Kimberley Norton said some of the species of dangerous snakes found around Melton include brown, tiger, copperhead and red-bellied black snakes.

Melton council is offering a free snake catching program. Call 9747 7200.

It is illegal to kill snakes.