Art keeps dog in the picture for Melanie Newman

Melanie Newman pictured with Dash the Bichon Frise, is a master pet groomer and she'll be taking part in a pet grooming competition this week.

Melanie Newman loves primping pooches and preening poodles.

The Kurunjang woman was awarded third place at last week’s Pet Industry Association of Australia’s pet grooming competition, GroomEx, in the ‘poodle class’.

Ms Newman was given two hours to groom her poodle, and the hardest part, she says, was trying to create what you’ve visualised.

“We have to make sure the poodle looks like a poodle, the scissoring is all even, and the clipper works nice and neat,” Ms Newman says.

“The hardest part is getting the profile you want – so thinking about how you want something to look, to actually coming out in your scissor work.”

The award-winning groomer of 16 years has competed in more than 45 competitions over this time.

She won best in show at last year’s GroomEx competitions, and has previously represented Australia in dog-grooming competitions worldwide.