RSPCA probes cats in pram case

A woman is alleged to have wheeled a pram with a rubbish bag containing two live cats and kittens around Melton for three days before handing them over to cat rescue volunteers.

Nathan Miles, of Western Suburbs Cat and Kitten Rescue, has appealed for information about the incident, which happened earlier this month, on the group’s Facebook page.

He said that he was contacted by “concerned and distraught” staff members at a local supermarket reporting the woman’s behaviour.

“It was alleged that the woman … had brought a cat into the store in a baby pram tied up in a black plastic garbage bag attempting to get someone to take it,” Mr Miles wrote.

“We understand that for three days this poor cat was contained cruelly and illegally. The cat had no access to food, water, a litter tray or fresh air.”

He said the woman later returned with another cat and some kittens which were all intercepted by the supermarket staff and a member of the public on May 3 and handed over to a cat rescue shelter.

“We received an urgent call that the woman had again returned to the store with … a mother cat which had given birth to six newborn kittens, only a few hours old, in another black garbage bag,” Mr Miles said. “The woman handed over the cats after a discussion with the staff.

“The kittens were cold, hungry and had not fed as the mother cat was so stressed.”

Mr Miles said only four of the kittens survived. The cats and four kittens are receiving care at RSPCA Victoria.

RSPCA Victoria is trying to confirm the allegations. Anyone who has firsthand information can contact RSPCA Victoria at or call 9224 2222.