Ballan revamp streets ahead

Ballan’s main strip is shaping up as streetscape works continue.

Most of the paving works along Inglis Street is complete, with the installation of street furniture and some minor ancillary works to come.

Asphalting was completed and roads are open.

Council’s infrastructure general manager Phil Jeffrey said the completion provided the community with insight into what the final finished product will look like.

Mr Jeffrey said that heavy rains over the past weekend stalled night works.

“As part of the works, council is installing underground conduits that will future-proof the street for the potential undergrounding of electricity,” he said. “Installation works of this nature may slow the progress of the works but will definitely provide a better long-term outcome.”

He said the council and contractors received positive feedback from the community and traders on the works so far.

“We are making every effort to expedite these works, which will enhance the visual appeal and functionality of the street and deliver a great outcome for the Ballan community.

“Council and its contractor will continue to work with traders and the community at large to minimise disruption and accommodate needs as much as possible.”

Residents are encouraged to use the public carpark located in Steiglitz Street, between Fisken and Stead streets, while works are being undertaken.