MY MOORABOOL: Sharon Murphy

At Ballan Sharon Murphy contributes much to the community

What is your connection to Moorabool?


I reside within the shire and also volunteer for a number of local organisations.


How long have you lived in the area?


I have lived in Ballan for eight years and resided in Bacchus Marsh prior to that for 23 years.


What are you passionate about?


I am passionate about helping others less fortunate than myself.


How did Keeley’s Cause come about?


Keeley’s Cause came about about 11 months ago through my 13 year-old daughter Keeley who, through her own experiences with autism and having an intellectual disability, wanted to provide children with similar diagnosis with iPads. They help them with full-time learning in schools, interacting and communicating with peers. There is no government funding for iPads for children with special needs and not every school has the ability to provide these to enhance their educational prospects. Keeley’s Cause is a project of The Ballan Lions Club and from there we have grown.


How much has been raised so far?


So far we have raised funds to purchase 17 iPads, with further donations being received through iPad sponsorships from businesses/community groups, chocolate fundraising, events and donations. We also have a further seven iPads on top of these travelling to New South Wales and Queensland in September and October to present to children. So all up we have raised approximately $18,000 in just on six months towards iPads – $12,000 worth of iPads [have] already been presented and distributed.


What other hats do you wear?



I am president of the Ballan Lions Club, the entertainment co-ordinator for Ballan Autumn Festival, chairperson and founder of Keeley’s Cause and I am also a qualified community welfare counsellor.


What would people be surprised to know about you?


People may be surprised to know that I have two children with autism and I also care for my 84-year-old mother.


What is the best thing about living in Moorabool?


The best thing about living in Moorabool is definitely the people in the community of Moorabool, so warm, welcoming and proud members of their town.


If you could change anything about the area, what would it be?


It would be to support more local business and community groups within the shire and encourage people to volunteer or assist local clubs and groups. Volunteering is a very rewarding opportunity to engage with the people and we need to get behind and support their projects, community organisations, sporting clubs and businesses to encourage their growth.