Dr, Rakhi Basu

What is your connection with Moorabool?


I have lived in Moorabool for the past 10 years and I have worked as a GP at Ballan District Health and Care for the past year.


How did you decide that you wanted to be a doctor?


Medicine is in my family. My father was a doctor and so I’ve followed in his footsteps.

What do you love about your job as a doctor at Ballan District Health and Care?


Having now spent over a year working as a GP in Ballan, I believe collaboration is one of the most important things when it comes to caring for the community, especially a close-knit community like Ballan. It is all about continuing to learn and grow as a doctor and continuing to learn new things.


What do you love about Ballan?


One of the reasons I enjoy working in Ballan is that I think there’s a really good connected team here – from the allied health professionals to the practice nurses, and of course my GP colleagues. Everyone is supportive, friendly and open to working together.


What other work have you done in the community?


In May, I hosted a free women’s health workshop in Ballan to explore issues and trends in women’s health and wellbeing. Talking about health is, of course, important for everyone, not just women. Having open conversations about your health with your doctor, especially about preventive care, can help your care.


What is something people might not know about you?

That I own a cockatiel.


What do you like to do in your downtime?


Outside of being a local GP, I spend time curating my garden, playing with my cockatiel and doing 30 minutes of exercise every morning.