Holiday build buddies

Darley school holiday activities were helped by staff from Bunnings. Building a Jenga are Haylea 14 and Riley 12. And making and painting pencil boxes are Louis Maxwell and Val Turner

A workshop in Bacchus Marsh kept young hands and minds busy during the school holidays.

Bunnings Warehouse Melton staff visited Studio 22 youth centre in Bacchus Marsh to help kids with building projects as part of a school holiday youth program.

They built and decorated a garden caddy, painted timber pieces to make a giant Jenga game and made pencil boxes.

Bunnings activity organiser Val Turner said the workshop helped engage local young people at the Moorabool Youth Services Centre.

“The kids have learnt how to work together in a team and help one another out,” she said.

“They’ve learnt some basic woodworking skills and building things.

“The workshop has engaged them through the school holidays, giving them something to do that will keep them interested.”


Sena Senbey