What is your connection with Melton/Moorabool?
I have been living and farming in this area for 48 years.
What are you passionate about?
My passions are farming (especially potatoes and fat lambs), family, Spudfest, bowls, farmers markets.
You are a founding member of the Great Trentham Spudfest organising committee. How did you become a farmer and how did Spudfest come about?
Both my parents came from farming backgrounds, so at 14 I left school to work on the family farm at Springbank.
In 2007, a small group of Trentham residents joined together and ran a very successful Spudfest on a much smaller scale than 2018 will be.
The event celebrates and promotes Trentham potato farming, which dates back to the 1860s and the gold rush era.
Funds raised at the event have helped fund a La Trobe University Bendigo agribusiness scholarship for a local rural community student.
What is the best thing about living in Melton/Moorabool?
The support, friendship and hospitality of the Trentham community make it a great country town to be involved in.
Do you wear any other hats in the
I was for many years involved in the Trentham CFA and am currently on the committee of the bowling club.
If you could change anything about the area, what would it be?
I love this area just the way it is.
Spudfest will be held on Saturday, May 5, in Trentham from 10am-4pm. Details: trenthamspudfest.org.au