Council names works wish list

By Ewen McRae

Melton council has highlighted roads and infrastructure as its main priorities for federal assistance ahead of next month’s federal election.

With the nation going to the polls on May 18, Melton mayor Bob Turner said the growing municipality needed input from whichever party forms government to keep up with the demands of the community.

“Our key priorities this federal election are all about securing the liveability our residents deserve now and in the future,” Cr Turner said.

“Of critical importance are the Western Highway Upgrade, infrastructure funding to support growth and a new Melton hospital, as well as funding towards a new sports stadium at Cobblebank and certainty for permanent kinder funding.

“Together, these projects would give City of Melton residents more time to spend with their families, improve their health outcomes, and open up more local jobs.

“I’m asking the major parties to take notice of our city and its urgent, fast-growing need for essential infrastructure and services.”

The council is also calling for the federal government to secure the additional five hours of kinder currently funded, and extend the Building Better Regions Fund to include outer interface council areas experiencing high growth.