Bumper salad days for Costas

Costas Bobolas with his 760-gram tomato. Picture: Shawn Smits

Costas Bobolas’s tomatoes are the pride of his garden.

The long-time Melton resident harvested a beauty weighing 760 grams in the past week.

“I look after the plants every day,” Mr Bobolas says. “I picked one earlier in the week and got half a kilogram out of it. But the others on the vine are even bigger than that one.”

He says the secret is in the soil, into which he mixes manure and nutrients.

“I give them lots of water and make sure they have sun. When I went out to pick a tomato last week they were very big.”

Sauces and salads are on the menu in the Bobolas household this winter.

The widower says he tirelessly tends to the garden at his Tern Court property to keep himself busy.

“I work a lot in the garden. My wife passed away 30 years ago and so I try to look after myself properly. I have a very good garden and have two sons, both family men, who help me.”