Blue green algae at Pykes Creek Reservoir


Sarah Oliver

Southern Rural Water has advised that a Blue Green Algae (BGA) bloom warning is current for Pykes Creek Reservoir at Myrniong.

Residents are being advised not to swim, fish or come in contact with the water and warning signs have been placed around the lake.

In a statement, Southern Rural Water said it will continue to monitor the situation and will remove warnings when the water is considered safe.

BGA can be dangerous to humans and animals. It can cause skin rashes or itchiness; sore eyes, ears and nose; or if swallowed, gastroenteritis, nausea or vomiting.

Southern Rural Water also said that boiling the affected water will not make it safe for use.

Pet owners should prevent pets from drinking or having direct contact with contaminated water.

BGA may be invisible to the naked eye or may form a scum. Residents are urged to avoid direct contact with contaminated water and to avoid water discoloured by BGA scums.

People who come into direct contact with contaminated water should wash immediately in fresh water.

Southern Rural Water said if experiencing a health issue believed to be related to contact with water contaminated by BGA, to seek medical advice promptly.