Mazi McBurnie on writing nine books in less than nine months

Photo: Joe Mastroianni

Mazi McBurnie, 71, has written nine books in less than nine months. She tells Sumeyya Ilanbey she fell in love with Bacchus Marsh after moving from New South Wales five years ago.


What’s your connection to Moorabool?

We decided Bacchus Marsh was where we wanted to live because we wanted a cooler climate and to live where there were hills.

We also wanted to be within an hour of Melbourne.

When I arrived, my neighbour over the road, Betty, took me to the book barn and that was my first voluntary thing.

From there I met an elderly lady who introduced me to the Friendship Quilters.

I joined the U3a and became secretary; now I’m the grants officer.

And they were looking for someone to do desserts at the church for Monday afternoon tea so now I do that twice a month.

I think I’m pretty integrated right now.


What’s your favourite thing about living in Bacchus Marsh?

I like the hills, and the people are really friendly.

I love coming over the hill and seeing that big hill over the back, and when I see that I think, I’ve come home.

What else do I like? Everything; I like the fresh air, being outside.


What would you change about the area if you could?

I think I’d put speed bumps out the front.

My husband walks the dog at 6.30 in the morning and the reason he does that is because so many people go to work at 7-7.30, and they speed.

They tend to come down from the top of the [street] and when they get to the bottom they’re at their maximum speed and press the brake when they get past our house.

That’s the only problem I see; everything else is great.


Where’s your favourite place to hang out?

I like going to the Darley Neighbourhood House because the staff are very friendly.

I love the feel of the place, it’s a really friendly gathering place.

It’s comfortable. You make a cup of coffee, go in there, have a chat and it’s really homely.


You’ve written nine books. Which one’s your favourite?

My first book, Gypsy Lullaby.

My aunty, who lives in Ballarat, gave me the story of my grandma.

I always knew she was a gypsy, but I didn’t know the whole story.

While I was doing the family tree, I thought, this is really interesting, I need to do a book.


Ms McBurnie will launch her books Gypsy Lullaby and The Two Letters at 2.30pm on Thursday, August 25, at the Darley Neighbourhood House, 33 Jonathon Drive.