Council bid to move Melton boundary


Ewen McRae

Eynesbury could soon be fully part of the Melton municipality, under a plan to re-draw the local government boundaries.

Most of the burgeoning suburb already falls under Melton council’s jurisdiction, with a portion of it under Wyndham instead. But a push from the estate planners to consolidate under the Melton banner has won approval from Melton council.

Councillors last week voted to write to Wyndham council to seek approval for the move, which would then go before the local government minister to facilitate the minor boundary change.

Developers said the change would avert impending issues relating to service delivery to the entire township at later stages in the suburb’s development.

Melton chief executive Kel Tori said it was a smart move to change the boundaries to avoid more problems in future years.

“That historic anomaly with the boundaries has caused some issues with the developer in terms of having to deal with two councils,” Mr Tori said.

“The complexities involved will only increase as the community of Eynesbury grows.

“It would be far simpler I believe for all concerned if the whole of the Eynesbury township was to be contained within a single municipality, and given that almost all of the development to date has been on the Melton side of the border, it is appropriate that we seek to have the boundary realigned.”

Ewen McRae