Events fall victim to virus


Ewen McRae

The Djerriwarrh Festival and Lakeside Alive have been cancelled for 2002 as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Melton council had hoped restrictions would ease in time to continue planning the major events, which were scheduled for November and October respectively, but with uncertainty surrounding the current lockdown, as well as the need to book facilities and equipment well in advance, it became an impossible task.

Mayor Lara Carli said while it disappointing to cancel such popular events, it was the right decision for the wellbeing of the community.

“Events like these take many, many months to plan, and the current status of the COVID-19 crisis in Victoria has presented a great deal of uncertainty,“ she said.

“We know that Djerriwarrh Festival and Lakeside Alive are much-loved community events, however, we need to prioritise the health and safety of our festival attendees, staff, volunteers, community groups and school groups who help make Djerriwarrh Festival possible.

“We are very much looking forward to bringing you Djerriwarrh Festival and Lakeside Alive as reimagined events in 2021 that bring our beloved communities together in a showcase that celebrates the true diversity of the City of Melton.”

Council has also put funding on hold for two community-run Carols by Candlelight events in December, pending future developments in the COBVID-19 situation.

Ewen McRae