Bacchus Marsh residents stands up for more seats and shelters

Kate Merrett is standing up for her community by lobbying for more seats and shelters at bus stops in Bacchus Marsh and surrounds.

The Bacchus Marsh resident says her studies in aged care has opened her eyes to the lack of seats at bus stops and the effects that shortage has on residents, particularly the elderly and disabled.

She says she’s particularly concerned about the bus stop near the aged-care facility in Griffith Street, where she has seen elderly residents waiting in hot and humid conditions.

“[I saw] three elderly people standing in full sun looking exhausted, weak and in need of a rest,” she said.

“Where’s the seat?, I thought, and where’s some shade?

“People have also told me that when their kids take the bus on rainy days they’re soaked by the end of the day.”

East Moorabool ward councillor Tonia Dudzik said the council would advocate for bus shelters on new routes.

She said she had already logged a request for a bus shelter at Griffith Street and at the new bus stop opposite the Village shopping centre.

A Public Transport Victoria (PTV) spokesman told Star Weekly it considered factors such as patronage of the route and use of the bus stop when prioritising works.

“If residents believe a bus stop should be upgraded with a shelter, they should contact their local council, which will then work with PTV,” the spokesman said