New kids on the block

5/6/18 North West Photography. Issue 12/6 Preps Ardeer Primary School kinder prep transition program. Left to right Kobe, Joel in Prep, Gabriel, Akesa and Molly also in Prep Pic Marco De Luca

Ardeer Primary School is hoping an expanded prep transition program will make starting school even easier.

In recent years, the school has run a program to the last term to introduce the coming year’s prep pupils to the school and their prospective teachers. This year it will expand the program to run across terms three and four.

Principal Graham Miller said the benefits of the program were obvious.

“The impact of this program has been wide reaching,” Mr Miller said.

“The children start the new school year confident and happy knowing the school, their teachers and their classmates.

“For most, gone are the first-day nerves
and the uncertainties we would have experienced as children. Instead, they are
ready to work from day one.”

In term three, the focus for the 2019 preps will be on orientation with the school, promoting social skills and developing early literacy and numeracy skills.

In term four, the focus will be on orientation within the classroom, following class rules and expectations and getting ready to start school officially in February.

“For parents, especially when it’s their eldest or only child, starting the educational journey can be daunting,” Mr Miller said. “We find, time and time again, the parents of children enrolled into this program are very positive about it and comment how the transition to school was so unexpectedly smooth.”

Ewen McRae