What is your connection to Brimbank?
I have lived in St Albans and Deer Park for about 13 years, and I’ve volunteered at the Cairnlea Community Hub for over five years now.
What do you like best about the area?
I love how close I am to everything. The freeways, the shops, everything I need to get around is so close. And everything in my area is so beautiful and quiet, including my neighbours who are so friendly.
What could make the area better?
It’s a very nice area, but I’d like to see more playgrounds for the kids and also more public toilets in the parks. That’s a big problem with our walking groups that sometimes people don’t come because they need to go to the toilet and there’s none in the area to use. Some more barbecue areas would be nice also.
Where is your favourite place to go for a feed in Brimbank?
I like the Braybrook Hotel on Ballarat Road, they have a great buffet there. I also like the restaurants in the Brimbank Shopping Centre because they’re so close to me and I can walk down to them.
How did you get involved with the walking groups?
I started going along as a participant after meeting someone who did it, and slowly, slowly I started being one of the organisers and leaders. It’s a bit of a walk and talk, people just come along to socialise and get out for a walk so it’s very casual. We have a slow group and a fast group so there’s something for everyone.
What is the best part about volunteering in these groups?
The best thing is the social part of it. A lot of people like to talk and meet people, everyone in the groups is so lovely. Sometimes we go for a meal afterwards and get to know each other.
What would people be surprised to know about you?
About four years ago I was in a local park and I saw a grandma with a baby in a pram, and the pram got away from her and started to roll towards a lake. I was able to chase after it and catch the pram before it got to the lake. I thought that was pretty brave.