Moorabool tourism ‘needs more cash’

FORMER Moorabool mayor Pat Griffin has urged the council to invest more money in local tourism.

Speaking at the launch of this weekend’s Strawberries and Cherries Trail Weekend and just days after losing his East Moorabool ward seat, Mr Griffin urged the community to push the council harder on tourism.

“[The shire] needs to invest more in its tourism activities . . . it needs to put together better marketing plans for events and other activities.

“It needs to help tourism investors come to our shire.”

Mr Griffin believed Moorabool lacked adequate tourism infrastructure.

“We have a wealth of attractions, but we do lack accommodation and some other tourism infrastructure. Council needs to step up . . . and ensure it makes life easier for people who want to add to the mix.”

The council has budgeted to increase expenditure on marketing and tourism to almost 3 per cent of rates revenue this financial year.

New mayor Pat Toohey said the council would continue to make the region a destination of choice.

“In recent times, the shire has added the first tourism officer to co-ordinate visitor information, support its volunteers and implement new marketing programs to support local events such as the Feast of March and the shire’s events calendar.

“This increased council support is reflected in increased visitation over the past five years of over 116 per cent.”

New Tourism Moorabool chairman Barry Wilkins agreed there was room for improvement, but an upcoming review of practices would provide a clearer picture of what was needed.

“New accommodation and tourism infrastructure is definitely on the list,” he said. “I also feel there’s a golden opportunity for more coach tours in Moorabool.”

Destination Melbourne’s Chris Buckingham said Moorabool tourism was “going to go off” in future.

This weekend’s Strawberries and Cherries Trail Weekend will include strawberry picking, a cherry pip-spitting competition, tours and strawberry and cherry-inspired menus.

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