Rockbank cock fights costly as 21 fined


MORE than 20 people were convicted and fined last week following the break-up of a cockfighting operation in Rockbank.

As reported by the Weekly, hundreds of birds and metal spurs were seized from a Rockbank property on September 9. Three-hundred roosters had to be destroyed.

Twenty-one men faced Sunshine Magistrates Court last week. All pleaded guilty to charges of attending a cockfight and were ordered to pay between $1500 and $2500, to be forfeited to the RSPCA.

Outside court, RSPCA inspector Shannon Walsh hoped the penalties would send a clear message. ‘‘Cockfighting is a barbaric sport where gamecocks fight, resulting in serious injury or death,’’ Mr Walsh said.

Magistrate Sharon Cure heard that police seized $100,000 in cash in the September raid. When police arrived, many of the offenders tried desperately to rid themselves of bundles of the cash. The RSPCA will receive the cash seized.

One of the convicted men said the owner of each gamecock had paid a $5000 entry fee. The court heard many of those charged indicated they only came to ‘‘have a look’’ because friends said it would be fun. Each of the men convicted were also banned from owning roosters for 10 years.

The remaining 68 cases will be heard at Sunshine Magistrates Court on November 2, 9 and 16.