A guide along life’s path

Under his father’s influence, Essendon’s Charles Vella became a mechanical and electrical engineer. Later, though, his career took a turn, one towards helping others.

Charles says his role as a life coach and clinical hypnotherapist is rewarding and satisfying beyond words. “Engineering is a satisfying career and can be rewarding, but to help a person achieve something they didn’t think they could or help them become unstuck is even more so”.

A self-help course led him to his new career. “I attended self-help courses to get my life on track. After a few, I achieved amazing results in my life — then I wanted to facilitate change for others,” says Charles.

“After graduating from a neuro-linguistic life coaching program in 2006, I went on to study clinical hypnotherapy.”

He enjoys the personal satisfaction of helping people become unstuck.

“My career allows me to help a person break free from whatever is holding them back.”

He aims to improve an individuals quality of life, showing them how to achieve personal and business goals, get over unwanted behaviours and habits, let go of past traumatic events, relieve anxiety and quit addictions.

“People generally seek help from me when mainstream medicine or psychology hasn’t worked and they realise their issue is within their unconscious control,” Charles says.

He studied with Landmark Education, a course which started him on his journey of self-help and discovery.

“Beyond Landmark, there is one man — hypnotherapist Steve Kormas — who taught me the craft of application, to apply neuro-linguistic program and hypnosis beyond the classroom, “says Charles.

“My life is now a constant lesson learnt by helping one individual at a time.”

Being happy and healthy in life is not just something Charles teaches; he practises it too.

“I’m happy being me: a husband, father, therapist and someone’s friend. I visit the gym regularly, cycle with friends and enjoy spending time with my family and renovating my home.”

Charles has advice for anyone interested in a career as a life coach: “Work from your heart, train with a craftsman and love what you do.”