Come clean on mining technology

Come clean on mining technology

I am assuming that the unsigned web comment published on October 9, extolling the economic and environmental benefits to Bacchus Marsh of some unnamed and unmentionable technology, was sent by an Exergen and Mantle Mining shareholder.

Or more likely a staff member or corporate executive, probably from a comfortable, city office. Those with the courage of their convictions would supply their credentials. Those of us who do not want any kind of new coal mining in our district are not a small minority but rather citizens who cherish clean air and an unspoiled landscape so vital for our orchards, our farmland and our way of life. Anyone describing a proposed open cut mine as an environmental benefit needs to name the unmentionable technology that they are promoting, look at the mess left by past coal mining and also to rethink their apparent opinion that we Marsh locals are suckers for snake oil sales. Some people would sell anything for economic gain. But many of us value more important assets.

Judy Archer, Bacchus Marsh

Re: Mowbray again a learning hub (Weekly, October 16):

Well done Intaj Khan, we look forward to have something like we had before. Ying Lee

It is good that local people are buying the college and hopefully there will be educational centre. Ryan

Why didn’t these schools become public schools? Education for our children is a right, not a plaything of the market. Margaret Miller