City to engage on hot issues

Moorabool Council has revised its engagement policy, seeking to improve consultation with the community about hot issues. The council launched the policy on its interactive website Have Your Say Moorabool, which received comments suggesting there was a lack of engagement over Bacchus Marsh’s former library, which was demolished in July.

$30m process plant to bring jobs

Local employment will be shored up by a new $30 million processing facility at the Dunnstown Quarry Processing Plant, opened by Premier Ted Baillieu last Wednesday. Moorabool mayor Pat Griffin said: “It’s a significant new plant in our shire. They employ a number of our residents.”

City mulls over $2.4m super payout

Moorabool Council is still assessing its options over a $2.4 million superannuation payout. West Moorabool ward’s Cr Tom Sullivan last week attended a meeting of a Municipal Association of Victoria taskforce, which is assessing the most effective way councils can pay their share. The Weekly reported in July that Moorabool had to make up the shortfall under an old defined-benefits superannuation scheme. Cr Sullivan said options involved requesting a cheaper borrowing rate, reopening the scheme, or even paying out members.

Candidates voice their opinions

Passionate members of the community are being encouraged to log on and voice their opinion about a proposed residents’ association. Council candidate Margaret Scarff has set up a Bacchus Marsh Residents Association page on Facebook, where members can share their thoughts on the idea. The Weekly reported last week that another candidate, John Spain, was pushing to have multiple associations represent various areas. Mrs Scarff prefers the establishment of one umbrella association. “My preference is for one association for all of Moorabool with representatives from each of the towns within the shire,” she said.