MOORABOOL Landcare, with the support of Melbourne Water, will plant a record 30,000 trees this winter.
Most of the trees will be planted in the upper reaches of the Werribee River catchment, with more than half along Myrniong Creek.
Landcare facilitator Max Coster said corporate partners and community groups were enormously important in getting so many trees planted in a short period of time.
The trees will connect with biolinks so that native animals like koalas, sugar-glider possums, wombats and honeyeaters can migrate between the main areas of forest.
Improved water will lead to platypuses, native water rats, and native fish flourishing, Mr Coster said. “One of the planting days is on the Conservation Volunteers Australia site ‘the island’ [where] plantings have transformed the area from a bald hill to a green asset.”
Planting days will be held on July 15, 27, 29 and August 3 from Ballan to Myrniong. Details: 0409177461