Hello pumpkin! Atlantic Giants help hospital cause

Pumpkins are popping up all over town and Jeff Jones Plants and Produce has its fair share on display.

With the harvest season in full swing, various varieties of the golden vegetable are now available, and not just to eat.

Produce store owners Jeff and Glenda Jones are welcoming visitors to take photos with their pumpkin displays to help raise money for a good cause.

The newest additions to the crop are two Atlantic Giant pumpkins, the largest weighing in at 184 kilograms. For a gold coin donation, visitors to the store can take their photo with the vegetable giants.

Mrs Jones says they want to use the opportunity to raise money for the Bacchus Marsh and Melton Regional Hospital.

“We just thought it would be a nice thing, to have a gold coin donation for a local charity,” Mrs Jones said.

The Atlantic Giant pumpkins are not edible and are purely for display. The Joneses purchased these particular ones from a Melton grower.

Mrs Jones says they usually sell for about $40 to $50 and many people, such as restaurant and cafe owners, buy pumpkins for decoration purposes year-round.

The Joneses are yet to finish harvesting their own pumpkins but already have a lot of varieties for sale, including a range of heritage pumpkins.

The pumpkins are on display at 388 Bacchus Marsh Road, Bacchus Marsh.