Bacchus Marsh Easterfest organised … now hop to it

The inaugural Bacchus Marsh Easterfest is set to be a stellar day.

Organisers Dotty Hazell, Amy Hasse and Kerri Arthur-Borg have organised a fun-filled family day on Good Friday to raise money for the Bacchus Marsh and Melton Regional Hospital.

“We’ve all been to the hospital for one reason or another,” Ms Hazell said. “We can see they need funds to help them along the way. [But] we’re not affiliated with the hospital; we’re doing this completely off our own bat.”

Egg hunts, bonnet parades, rides, amusements and food stalls will keep everyone – children and adults alike – entertained from 10am to 2pm.

Ms Hazell says they are hoping to raise at least $5000 but are in need of sponsors and more stallholders for the Friday, April 3, festival, which will be held at the Darley Civic and Community Hub, 182 Halletts Way,  Darley.

Entry is free but people wanting to take part in the egg hunt are asked to purchase tickets at

More information

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