Good Friday Appeal: Kurunjang teen highlights reason to give

Nathan Fino is a battler. The 15-year-old first went under the knife at three weeks of age when he had open heart surgery.

He had follow-up surgery when he was three and another operation last year.

The Royal Children’s Hospital was the Kurunjang teen’s second home and now his family is raising money for the Good Friday Appeal as a way to give back.

“You always imagine you’re going to have a healthy baby,” mum Rachael Fino said.

“The doctors and nurses were positive; they encouraged us that things would be OK.”

The bubbly teenager, who has Down Syndrome, has recently started speaking and the family is over the moon. Apart from helping Nathan, the hospital has been a support network for the family of five, and Rachael wants to extend her thanks.

“If it wasn’t for the hospital, Nathan wouldn’t be here,” she said. “We just want to help as much as we can.”

Family fun night

The Finos have organised a fun-filled family night out from 7pm on Friday, March 27, at Tabcorp Park, 2 Ferris Road, Melton South, to raise money for the Good Friday appeal.

For more information, call Ms Fino on 0402 999 528 or Tabcorp Park on 8746 0600.