Dangerous Rockbank bus stops moved to town centre

Melton councillor Nola Dunn’s tireless campaign to relocate two dangerous bus stops on the Western Highway at Rockbank has succeeded.

Public Transport Victoria (PTV) has confirmed the bus stops, on the in-bound lanes of the highway in Rockbank, will be removed and placed within the town centre.

The Watts ward councillor has been advocating removal of the bus stops, which are on the 456 route, since 2012.

“Everyone I speak to about this has seen someone who’s walked across the highway to get on a bus,” Cr Dunn said. “How are these people expected to cross the road? I see people trying to dodge cars on the highway.”

The speed limit on the in-bound lanes of the highway is 100km/h, while on the out-bound lanes it’s 90km/h.

Cr Dunn said she was afraid PTV was going to “sit back” and wait for the area to be developed then install an overpass instead of removing the bus stops.

“With the new precinct structure plans coming on board, there’s going to be a huge population increase in Rockbank, so my fear was more people would be using the bus stops.”

A driver who often uses the highway said she was outraged by how long it took PTV to realise the locations of the bus stops were “an accident waiting to happen”.

“I can’t believe these bus stops were ever erected in the first place. A highway is no place for bus stops and pedestrians,” said the driver, who requested their name not be used. “Just the other day, a car in front of me suddenly braked when it realised a pedestrian was crossing the road to get to the bus stop … it’s so dangerous.”

A PTV spokesman said it had identified that the bus stops “needed to be evaluated for the safety and accessibility of the public”.

“Roadworks [on the highway] are nearly complete, which will allow PTV contractors to begin installation of the new bus stops,” the spokesman said.

PTV did not confirm when the bus stops would be removed and placed in the town centre, but Cr Dunn said she believed it would be by June or July.