Moving ahead by leaps and bounces for Cystic Fibrosis

Everyone’s encouraged to get bouncing this month to help raise awareness and funds for Cystic Fibrosis Victoria’s Big Bounce.

It’s a national campaign which supports people like Melton’s Natalie Fry who live with cystic fibrosis.

Natalie, 13, was diagnosed when she was just six weeks old. Cystic fibrosis primarily affects the lungs and digestive system and is the most common genetic disease affecting young people in Australia.

There is no cure. Trampolining every day is highly recommended for people with cystic fibrosis because the motion is good for keeping their lungs healthy and strong. “CF kids produce a lot of mucus in their lungs,” said Natalie’s mother, Carolyn.

“Jumping on the trampoline gets the air in and out and helps her cough out that mucus.”

Ms Fry said the jumping was part of Natalie’s physiotherapy but was also an activity she could do with brothers Jack and Benjamin. “She loves it. ”

Natalie’s mum hopes to throw her a Big Bounce party for her 14th birthday at the end of this month.

People are being encouraged to host a Big Bounce party at home or a local trampoline centre to get behind the cause.

Big Bounce

For more details or to register a party, visit or call 96861811.