Teacher opens her art for floral mosaic clock

Melton artist Elena Elefterescu is leading local residents to create a floral mosaic clock for the Bridge Road Children’s and Community Centre.

Elefterescu, who works as an artist, therapist and teacher, believes art can enhance self-esteem.

“I use art therapy to help people relax and change their lives,” she says.

“The reward I get from seeing people change is very important for me.”

She says the artwork will symbolise the importance of working together as a community.

“This colourful clock announces it’s time for us to celebrate art, creativity and community,” Elefterescu says.

“I truly believe that in working together as a community we can accomplish more than we can alone.”

The floral art piece for the Atherstone centre is the first of two community art projects.

The second piece will be finished in late April.

“By creating this mosaic for the community centre I wanted to offer my open heart and expertise to this wonderful community we live in,” Elefterescu says.

“This is the way in which I chose to share my abundance of love and knowledge in the art domain.”

More details

Elefterescu is calling on Melton residents to come to the centre, 212 Bridge Road, Melton South, and take part in the second part of the community project.

For more information, call the Atherstone information centre on 1800 981 644.