Ride2School day: Cycle of good health for Kara and Ella

Five-year-olds Kara and Ella will say ‘no’ to getting into the family car on Friday, instead opting to ride, scoot or skate their way to school on national Ride2School day.

Melton South Primary School’s physical education teacher, Stefanie Modesti, said it was important for children to get up from their computers and onto their bikes.

She said the school’s pupils are encouraged to meet at Mount Carberry reserve at 8.30am on Friday, where they will be joined by staff from Melton council and Bicycle Network Victoria for the trip to school.

Pupils who participate will be eligible for prizes and there are two scooters up for grabs.

“[Riding to school] is incidental physical activity,” Ms Modesti said.

“It gets [students] to learn about road safety, they’re out in fresh air, and are just getting active.”

Melton mayor Sophie Ramsey is encouraging all students, parents and school staff to take part in Ride2School day this year.

“Encouraging students to ride to school makes them more self-sufficient and is a crucial part of education and the development of social skills,” Cr Ramsey said.

“Many of these kids are being driven relatively short distances … theyre missing out on a great chance for … exercise.”

More information

Visit www.ride2school.com.au or call Melton council, 9747 7200.