Darley’s Acrofun Gymnastics wins major award

Darley’s Acrofun Gymnastics has somersaulted to new heights, scoring the Gymnastics Victoria ‘small club of the year’ award for 2014.

The club was nominated following its recovery from almost being closed down last year to running a successful term four program.

Club president Bree Mort said the gym’s nomination was based solely on the work achieved in the last term of 2014.

When Acrofun almost closed, the parents of the group stepped in to create a new non-profit club. They formed a committee and started the transition from a commercially operated business to a committee-run club.

The club’s nomination statement praised the teamwork of the parents for delivering the transition “without disrupting classes or staff arrangements”.

“To win this award after such a short period of time operating as a not-for-profit community club is a testament to the volunteer committee, our coaching staff, gymnasts and families who are all an integral part of our club,” Ms Mort said.

“We’re extremely proud and believe that if we can achieve this after just one term of operations we’re in a strong position to continue to grow and prosper.”

Acrofun runs classes for both recreation and competition purposes, and they are for children as young as three.

“Gymnastics is a sport that can improve overall fitness, strength, balance and body control as well as help to improve children’s performance in other sports,” Ms Mort said.

The club is also looking for sponsorship.

More information

For more details or to try a free class call 4367 7011.