VWFL: Bacchus Marsh Cobras join the rush to women’s football

Bacchus Marsh has joined the women’s football revolution.

The Cobras are the latest club to enter a senior team in the Victorian Women’s Football League this season. They’ll compete in a western division against the likes of Manor Lakes, Melton, Jacana and Kyneton.

After enjoying great support through the club’s youth girls program, Bacchus Marsh women’s football co-ordinator Rod Bertram says a senior team is the next logical step.

“The cut-off for the youth girls competition is 18, so once they turn 18 they can’t play,” he said.

“A few of the girls wanted to keep playing and their options were limited. We said that if we had enough interest we’d try to create a women’s team at Bacchus Marsh. A few people were interested in getting it off the ground and, with the help of some club members, it’s happened.”

It didn’t take long for an eager playing group to get in on the act and the club held its first training sessions in the lead-up to Christmas.

After a formal meeting with VWFL co-ordinator Darren Flanigan, the Cobras were officially given a green light for the 2015 season.

“Once we knew it was going to happen the girls started training straight away,” Bertram said.

“We also started sending out flyers and that sort of thing around Bacchus Marsh and anywhere else we thought would be effective to get players.

“Quite a few girls have never played before and are still learning.”

Bacchus Marsh’s squad has now grown to 25 players and the club hopes to sign up more before the season starts in April.

“Hopefully, we can taste some success,” Bertram says. “Women’s football is one of the fastest-growing sports, and we invite anyone to come along and try out regardless of age, ability or experience.”

More information

Email Rod Bertram on rbertram7@bigpond.com.

Liam Twomey