Young Farmers of Bacchus Marsh dig up old times

The Young Farmers of Bacchus Marsh and beyond are getting ready for a reunion.

Former members of the Victorian Young Farmers are planning the meeting for all ‘central area’ members from up to, and including, the 1970s.

The central area includes Bacchus Marsh, Werribee, Geelong, Sunbury and Kilmore.

Former president of the movement’s Melbourne branch Bob MacDonald said the reunion was a great chance to catch up and reflect on the lessons learned from being a Young Farmer.

“There are people who haven’t seen each other in 40 years,” Mr MacDonald said. “It’s a chance to renew old acquaintances.”

He said young farmers’ clubs were prominent in schools before World War II.

Independent clubs started to pop up for school-leavers after the war and at one stage there were more than 200 of them.

The clubs had three main aims: personal development, agriculture and culture.

Mr MacDonald first joined Young Farmers in East Gippsland when he was 14.

“Being members was very valuable to all of us in terms of our future life,” Mr MacDonald said. “I learnt a lot about debating, meeting procedures, public speaking and organising activities.”

Mr MacDonald said a lot of former Young Farmers went on to be leaders in their local and wider communities, including in council and parliament.

“[They were] very good breeding grounds for people to support their communities,” he said.

Mr MacDonald himself went on to work for the Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria.

Young Farmers reunion details

The Young Farmers reunion will be held at the Bacchus Marsh Golf Club bistro from 11am on Sunday, March 29.

To express your interest, email or contact Judy on 0458 445 587.