
Work starts on jail upgrade

Work on the new Ravenhall prison has begun in time for a forecast surge in prison numbers. The men’s medium-security prison will house 1000 offenders but can be expanded to 1300. The total cost for construction and operation over the next 25 years is $6.3 billion and it will create up to 1300 jobs. Major features of the project include a 75-bed mental health unit with specialist mental health services for a further 100 other prisoners at Ravenhall, as well as state-of-the-art security technology. It is expected to be finished by the end of 2017.

Recycle centre detour

Melton council has reminded motorists that Treeleaf Lane, off Ferris Road, Melton South, the road to the Melton Recycling Facility, is closed because of roadworks. Temporary access to the recycling facility is via Shogaki Drive. Detour signs will be in place throughout the closure and motorists are advised to follow all signs. The roadworks are expected to be completed by the end of March.

Burglars hit wrong house

A home in Lyons Avenue, Burnside Heights was broken into overnight on February 10 while the occupants were asleep. But nothing was taken and nothing was disturbed in the burglury. Police believe the offenders were targeting a particular house and particular items to steal and left when they realised they had broken into the wrong house.