Sweetheart’s Day: Shelby-Anne beats the odds

Shelby-Anne celebrated her third birthday with her family, friends and lots of presents last week, but it hasn’t been an easy three years for the Melton West youngster.

At just six months old, and after countless visits to doctors and the emergency ward, Shelby-Anne was diagnosed with a rare congenital heart defect called Scimitar Syndrome.

Shelby-Anne’s heart is on the wrong side and her right lung hasn’t fully developed.

Her parents, Nicole and Deon Mackay, say they knew from the beginning that something was wrong with their little girl.

Now, in the lead-up to Sweetheart’s Day on February 14, Mr and Mrs Mackay want other parents and families to be aware of childhood heart disease.

HeartKids Australia’s Sweetheart’s Day presents a new way to show love on Valentine’s Day by raising much-needed funds to fight childhood heart disease.

Childhood heart disease includes a wide range of heart defects, which a child is born with or develops in childhood as a result of other illnesses.

It’s the biggest cause of death in children under one.

“We want people to be aware that [heart conditions] can happen to anyone,” Mrs Mackay said.

“We didn’t learn much about them until we found out about our daughter.

“Just be aware they do exist and follow your heart and your instincts if you suspect something.”

Shelby-Anne is expected to have surgery before starting school.

She still visits the hospital regularly and her heart rate is closely monitored, especially in extreme heat, to ensure she doesn’t become lethargic or weak. But despite everything, her parents say the three-year-old is a “happy, bright, independent toddler who loves to be outdoors”.

“Shelby-Anne is the sort of kid who’s happy even when she’s sick,” Mrs Mackay said.

HeartKids Australia

To donate to HeartKids Australia, visit www.sweetheartday.org.au.

All proceeds go directly to the charity’s support, research, advocacy and awareness work.