Author M.K Jacobs to meet her fans in Ballan

Ballan book-lovers will get the chance to meet the best-selling author behind the novel The Road to Tarascon later this month.

Local writer Meredith Jacobs, known to her readers as M.K Jacobs, will provide audiences with an insight into her writing style, characters and themes at the intimate “meet the author event” in Ballan on February 25.

Ms Jacobs, who lives in Mount Egerton, has written four books and has another on the way since she began focusing on writing about four years ago. She makes time to write every day.

“I sit in the lounge room with a big A4 notebook, write down my themes and put them into my writing program,” she said.

“It’s a skill; you have to keep up that skill and keep improving it by reading newspapers and other novelists and by researching.”

Before writing, Ms Jacobs was a flight attendant for 30 years and then went on to teach genealogy and family history.

She also ran a community newspaper in Broadford with her son for a couple of years and this triggered her professional writing.

Ms Jacobs holds classes in genealogy at the Ballan and District Community House, where the meet-the-author event will take place.

The event will include an interview with Ms Jacobs, question time, reading and a book signing.

Find out more

For details or to reserve a spot contact the Ballan and District Community House on call 5368 1934.

For information about M.K Jacobs and the contract series visit