Debt ‘shepherds’ seeking flock in Melton

Financial counsellors and legal practitioners are coming to town later this month to help Melton residents get on top of their bills, fines and credit repayments.

Good Shepherd Australia-New Zealand will host a ‘bring your bills day’ this month to encourage locals to tackle bills they may be struggling to pay.

Financial inclusion program manager Sally Edwards says: “Unpaid bills can mount up and cause significant financial stress. This event is a chance to talk face-to-face to ombudsman representatives about electricity, gas, water, phone or internet bills, fines or Centrelink payments,

“It’s also an opportunity to find out more about the range of services available to people with general or culturally specific needs.”

Western Water; Melton council’s rates department; financial services, tele- communications, electricity and water ombudsman representatives, the Department of Justice Sheriff’s Office, Public Transport Ombudsman and the Victorian Ombudsman will be available to talk to about bills, contracts and fines.

Victoria Legal Aid, Brimbank/Melton Community Legal Service and financial counsellors from Brimbank and Melton will offer free legal and financial advice. Centrelink and Salvation Army Social Housing Services’ advisers will also be available on the day.

“So many people have been door-knocked and felt pressured into changing their gas or electricity provider by an unknown salesperson,” Ms Edwards said.

“If anyone in the community is unsure whether they have a signed contract, they can come along and tell us about it.”

Interpreters will be available. The advice session provides information only; money will not be given out to help people pay their bills.

The session will run from 10am-2pm on Friday, February 20, at the Melton community hall, 232 High Street.