Snakes alive! But don’t panic, expert says

Local snake catchers are warning residents to be smart, not scared, when it comes to snakes.

As the weather heats up, snakes are slithering around town looking for somewhere cool to nest, said Aust Pests snake catcher and pest controller Jarrod Bingham.

“The weather is getting warmer so snakes are coming out,” he said.

Mr Bingham said snakes were popping up in homes in Melton, Bacchus Marsh, Caroline Springs, Deer Park and Sunshine.

“Snakes have heat pits so they can determine where the optimal temperatures are,” he said. “And an airconditioned home is optimal temperature for a snake.”

Mr Bingham said snakes preferred the cooler temperatures indoors, and he warned residents to keep doors and windows closed.

“It’s especially important now that it’s warm to keep your doors closed,” Mr Bingham said.

“And be aware that snakes can push through doggy doors.”

Mr Bingham said that on days of optimal temperature for snakes – about 25-28 degrees – he would receive more than 10 calls of snake sightings on private property.

He said about 60 per cent of those calls were for snakes inside the home, 20 per cent for snakes around back doors and under decking and the other 20 per cent for snakes along fences and in backyards.

But Mr Bingham said people did not need to panic.

“They’re not really scary animals; they’ve just got a bad reputation,” Mr Bingham said.

“They’re really placid.

“People don’t need to panic as long as they follow these few tips: keep up with any rodent problems, store and clean pet food, keep lawns trimmed and keep up with general maintenance of gardens, including trimming back bushes.”

Mr Bingham also advised residents to empty any ponds or water features as they attracted snakes looking for water, and he warned to be careful around lakes, creeks and rivers.