Missing Melton West man Kashi Adhikari found dead

Police have found the body of missing Melton West man Kashi Adhikari six kilometres from his Westlake Drive home.

The 73-year-old was found on farmland at Giblins Lane, in Melton West on Sunday, January 25, 10 days after he was reported missing.

The Victoria State Emergency Service’s Melton unit carried out one of its biggest searches for Nepal-born Mr Adhikari, who was last seen about 10pm on Thursday, January 15.

SES volunteers knocked on 2500 doors and spent more than 1000 hours trying to find Mr Adhikari.

They searched creeks, rivers, roads and parks in Melton assisted by SES crews from Sunbury, Brimbank, Knox, Whitehorse, Wyndham and Port Phillip.

“My youngest son saw my father leave the house but thought he had gone outside for a smoke,” said Mr Adhikari’s son, Prajapati.

“When he didn’t come back in a couple of minutes, my son called me.

“We’ve been to Broadmeadows, Craigieburn, Dallas, where we have family, and even to Ballarat. We’ve searched everywhere.”

Kashi Adhilarfi spoke limited English and had a number of medical conditions.

Police are not treating the death as suspicious and a report is being prepared for the coroner.