Australia Day: Survivor tells her story in Moorabool

A special guest will visit Moorabool Shire on Australia Day.

Christine Durham, this year’s Australia Day ambassador, will join the shire’s celebrations on Monday, January 26.

Dr Durham, the 2014 Victorian senior Australian of the year, had her life changed after sustaining a severe brain injury in a horrific car accident.

She woke up in intensive care with multiple breaks to more than half her ribs, a brain injury resulting in difficulty speaking, eating, thinking and walking; and a fractured orbit in her left eye and double vision.

But Dr Durham was determined to fight her way back. She used her experiences to inspire others and has since written books, conducted workshops and gained an international reputation as a professional learning presenter.

“I do a lot of talking to people about having your life changed, being positive and finding ways to help yourself,” Dr Durham said.

“Triumph is made up of two words ­– try and umph. Never give up, no matter what happens.”

Dr Durham will share her story at the council’s Australia Day ceremony.

“I think it’s very important that people see that everything is possible, that pigs can fly and amazing things can happen,” she said.

Dr Durham will also present award recipients with a “hope stone”.

She said the stone represented something very hard, “a reminder we can tackle the hard stuff”.

And on the stone is a star to remind recipients that by tackling the hard issues they can reach for the stars.

For more information about the Australia Day event, visit