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Melton’s annual business excellence awards are on again.

The awards, hosted by WestWaters Hotel, celebrate the contribution businesses make to the local economy, environment and community.

Melton mayor Sophie Ramsey said the awards acknowledged outstanding achievements and she urged locals to get their entries in.

Abey Australia, a Melton-based plumbing company, took home three awards last year: the LeadWest leaders in sustainability award, the

Star Weekly leaders in innovation, and the Powercor business of the year.

Abey’s managing director and owner, Geoff Anderson, said he had entered the awards to find out how they were perceived in the community.

“We’re very proud and it’s reinforced that we’re on the right track,” Mr Anderson said.

Entries will be accepted in the following categories of new and emerging business, hospitality and tourism

, community enterprise, retail, personal services, business services, manufacturing and manufacturing support, home-based business, creative industries, and trades and construction.

Entries close on Friday, February 13, and awards will be presented on Friday, May 1, at Tabcorp Park.

For more information, call 9747 7200 or visit

Sumeyya Ilanbey