
A new Melton community radio show will launch next month, bringing the latest in news and information to the airwaves.

Melton Your Community Show will broadcast on 979fm from Wednesday, February 4, with hosts Annette Langlands and Mark Philip.

The pair say they’re excited to be bringing something new to the community.

“There’s nothing like this in Melton and we decided to give it a go,” Mr Philip said.

He said residents often didn’t know how much was on offer and what was available to them within their community, and he hoped the show would connect listeners to groups, organisations and resources.

Listeners can expect to be kept up to date with news and information from health professionals, police, community groups and experts, and

Star Weekly will have a segment covering the leading news stories of the week.

Ms Langlands said she was passionate about the community and hoped the show would help residents feel more connected.

“We want to get the word out on what is here in your own community to help you,” she said.

As well as the serious stuff, Ms Langlands said there would be plenty of fun, too.

The show will air on 979fm from 10am to noon every Wednesday.

If you would like to be part of the show, email

For more information, find

Melton Your Community Show on Facebook or listen online at

Yasemin Talat