Money man Vincent Wong cashes in on career

When all his peers were blowing their money on beer, Vincent Wong was being smart.

The 24-year-old witnessed first-hand the devastating effects of financial hardship and vowed to help others in desperate need.

“It’s not just about building financial goals, but building meaningful relationships around those goals,” he said.

After watching his parents’ financial struggles when he was a child, Mr Wong quickly grasped the value and importance of money. He is now a wealth manager in Melton for money management company Yellow Brick Road and has just won the company’s rising star award.

“I appreciated the value of money because of my parents. Knowing when to spend and when to save was the key part,” he said.

Mr Wong said the biggest mistake people made was “spending as they go”.

He encouraged everyone to dedicate 30 minutes a week to sorting out their finances.

“It’s really just making minor tweaks and understanding how much you’re spending,” he said.

“We’re not here to tell people what they can and can’t spend money on. But we can figure out whether it’s worthwhile spending on.”