Prevention key in home security in Moorabool, Melton

Police are urging residents to be more vigilant following the release of recent home burglary data.

Statistical analysis for the year to June 30 indicated there was a slight reduction in the number of homes burgled across Victoria – one in 73 compared to one in 71 the year before – but many suburbs suffered an increase in burglaries.

One in 11 homes in Rockbank was burgled in the 12 months, but RACV didn’t identify the suburb as a “burglary hotspot” because it has fewer than 1000 occupied homes.

Sergeant Andrew Button stressed the importance of being careful at all times.

“We’re finding that at different times roller doors and garages are being left open,” he said. “One in 11 [burglaries] is really high and people are not being vigilant.”

The vast majority of burglaries are not solved, according to RACV home services general manager Peter Brindley.

“Prevention is the key to avoiding the financial cost and emotional trauma of an invasion of your home and personal space,” Mr Brindley said. “Awareness of security should be a habit, not just an occasional thought.”

He advised all residents to connect professional security monitoring to home alarm systems to deter “predatory thieves”, while Sergeant Button urged neighbours to keep an eye out.

“Being security conscious is the first step and ensuring everything’s locked, but neighbours should also be vigilant and report any strange cars around homes,” Sergeant Button said.

Burglars are generally targeting homes during the day when residents are at work or school, Sergeant Button said.

“Lock up when you go out, even if it’s for a short period of time.”

Visit for more information about reducing the risk of burglaries.